Ministry of Investment, Trade and Commerce
Power Lane
P.O. Box 430
Belize C.A
Contact Information
Tel: 1 (501) 822-0446
Fax: 1 (501) 822-2571
Web: https://bbs.gov.bz/
The Belize Bureau of Standards is a Government Department, which was formally established in 1992 by the Standards Act Chapter 295 of the Substantive Laws of Belize Revised Edition 2000-2003. The Bureau is the national standards body responsible for the preparation, promotion and implementation of standards in relation to goods, services, and processes.
The Bureau’s modus operandi is guided by its overall legislative mandates, the policy of government and the administrative direction of the Standards Advisory Council (SAC). The Bureau also operates in accordance with:
- The World Trade Organisation Technical Barrier to Trade Agreement (WTO/TBT); and
- The CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards and Quality (CROSQ).
Additionally, the BBS is responsible for the administration of the Metrology Act, the Supplies Control Act and the Consumer Protection Unit. The Metrology legislation gives the BBS responsibility for regulating all weighing and measuring devices used for trade in Belize. The Supplies Control Act and Regulation gives the Unit the responsibility of managing the import/export licensing regime and to monitor and enforce the price controlled/price regulated goods. The Consumer Protection Unit currently operates without an established legislative framework, however, is responsible for safeguarding the health, safety and life of Belizean consumers.
To facilitate, promote and encourage the use of quality services in Metrology, Standardization and Conformity Assessment thereby contributing to competitiveness of goods and services, facilitation of trade and the protection of consumers.
To become a Belize’s premiere service institution for standards and quality.
The Belize Bureau of Standards is responsible for the activities of Standards, Metrology, Consumer Protection and Supplies Control. The Functions of the Units are as follows:
Standards Unit
- Preparation of National Standards
- Promote the adoption and application of National Standards
- Monitor the quality of foreign and locally manufactured products
- Promote quality control
- Disseminate information on Standards
Metrology Unit
- Inspection and Verification of both Commercial and Industrial Scales
- Inspection and Verification of Fuel Pumps
- Verification of prepackaged goods
- Inspection and Verification of LPG Scales
Consumer Protection Unit
- To investigate and obtain redress for consumer complaints;
- To provide advice to consumers regarding prices, quality, and safe use of products and services through the dissemination of information as it relates to Standards, Metrology and Consumer Rights and Responsibilities;
- To undertake education outreach program in schools, trade shows and communities with the aim of building consumer confidence and empowerment; and
- To carry out inspection of price control and price regulated goods
Supplies Control Unit
- Processing of Import/Export Licensing
- Monitoring and Enforcing of Price Controlled/Price Regulated Goods