Dominica Bureau of Standards
P.O. Box 1015
9 Great Marlborough Street
Contact Information
Tel: 1 (767) 448-1685
Fax: 1 (767) 449-9217
Email: info@dominicastandards.org
Web: www.dominicastandards.org
The Dominica Bureau of Standards (DBOS) is the National Standards Body as mandated by Standards Act No. 4 of 1999. It is a statutory body under the aegis of the Ministry of Trade, Industry, Consumer and Diaspora Affairs and its general administration is guided by a 14 member National Standards Council (NSC) appointed by the Minister.
Additionally, many persons are drawn from government departments and ministries and the private sector to serve voluntarily on Standards Technical Commitees and Working Groups to assist with the National standardization effort.
The Dominica Bureau of Standards develops, establishes, maintains and promotes standards for improving industrial development, industrial efficiency, promoting the health and safety of consumers as well as protecting the environment, food and food products, the quality of life for the citizenry and the facilitation of trade. They are developed in response to market demand, and are based on consensus among the interested parties which ensures widespread applicability of the standards.