The Pan American Standards Commission is a non-profit civil association that operates with full autonomy and without a term of duration.
It brings together the National Standards Bodies (NSBs) of the Americas, which currently have 31 active members and 10 adherent members.
COPANT is the reference for standardization and conformity assessment in the countries of the Americas and its international peers, and promotes the development of its members.
COPANT's objectives are to promote the development of standardization and related activities in its member countries, in order to foster their commercial, industrial, scientific and technological development. COPANT seeks for its members the benefit of economic and commercial integration, the exchange of goods and services and to facilitate cooperation in the intellectual, scientific, economic and social spheres.
The digitization of organizations is often understood as the presence on networks such as LinkedIn, Instagram or Facebook, without understanding that digitization goes beyond having an online presence. It is about making a cultural and strategic change that reconstructs the dynamics and processes of organizations to adapt to the needs of today's market.
The confusion surrounding the true meaning of "digital transformation" is best understood by comprehending the fact that it consists of that (unfinished) leap between technological adoption and the reinvention of processes within any organization.
The COVID 19 Pandemic has modified the context of work towards the "digital" and has changed the ways of interacting and habits of people, which forces
organizations to reinvent their processes and strategies to offer a better customer or user experience, reduce costs, improve their positioning in the market and increase their revenues. That is why, without the adoption of technology within its processes, it will be difficult for any organization to remain competitive in the market.
Digital transformation is no longer a luxury but a necessity that organizations need to address in a timely manner in order to meet the requirements and needs of the market. This is why they have found the need to seek strategies that allow them to stay in an increasingly competitive world, thus reaching the determination to adopt a digital transformation that gives them different benefits, including improving the customer or user experience, reducing costs, extending their service coverage, improving decision making and improving their results.
The purpose of the program is to support the achievement of Objective 1.3 of COPANT's Strategic Planning, "Develop assistance/support programs for COPANT members on identified issues".
In this sense, a "Program of support and assistance to COPANT members for their Digital Transformation" should be developed.