The CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards and Quality (CROSQ) was created as an Inter-Governmental Organisation by the signing of an agreement between the fifteen Member States of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). CROSQ was formally launched at its first General Assembly in St. Vincent in April 2002. The organisation's headquarters was established in Barbados in April 2003. The 15 National Bureau of Standards (NSBs) of CARICOM Member States are CROSQ’s principal shareholder group and beneficiary base of its services.
CROSQ is the regional centre for promoting efficiency and competitive production in goods and services, through the process of standardization and the verification of quality. CROSQ supports the CARICOM mandate in the expansion of intra-regional and extra-regional trade in goods and services as set out in Article 67 of the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas (2001) and is directly mandated to represent the interests of the region in international quality infrastructure work, to promote the harmonization of standard and metrology systems and the mutual recognition of conformity assessment schemes, and to increase the pace of development and implementation of quality competitiveness actions for the sustainable production of goods and services in the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME), and the enhancement of social and economic development.
Organisation Objectives
The key objectives as outlined in the Intergovernmental Agreement establishing CROSQ are to:
- Promote the development and harmonization of standards, metrology, technical regulations and the mutual recognition of conformity assessment procedures covering goods and services produced and provided in the Region with the aim of facilitating trade and supporting the establishment of the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME);
- Encourage the mutual recognition of accreditation and certification systems which are based on internationally accepted criteria;
- Facilitate the achievement of international competitiveness of regional goods and services by fostering a culture of quality in regional enterprises;
- Support standards infrastructure development at the national level;
- Promote consumer welfare and safety;
- Through its operations, contribute to the preservation of the environment and conservation of natural resources of the Region;
- Provide guidance to regional organizations and bodies regarding matters within its competence, including dispute settlement;
- Promote and protect the interests of State Parties and Associate Members in the regional and international standardization for a, including external negotiations; and
- Promote awareness of standards and standards-related matters in governments, and industry and commerce.
Project Objectives
As Caribbean enterprises steadily increase their use of international quality management systems and infrastructure to ensure customer satisfaction and meet the requirements of international markets, there is an increase in demand for training courses in quality infrastructure management principles, practices and systems; both from the private and public sectors. The courses demanded include the following topics: standards development, implementation and conformance; measurement accuracy, calibration, traceability and compliance; accreditation principles and practices for conformity assessment bodies; inspection, testing and certification schemes; Quality Promotions etc. In the larger CARICOM States, the National Standards Bodies regularly offer these courses, however, the smaller States face the dual challenge of not having a large enough client base to support the course and also finding suitable facilitators for these courses. It has also been recognised that training needs to be tailored to meet the specific needs of States.
As a result, this Project aims to support the development, digitization and online hosting of four (4) new quality infrastructure training courses focused on the topics of highest demand.
These training courses will be based on good andragogy principles and practices – Course Description, Rationale, Goals, Learning Objectives and Outcomes, Curriculum and Course Materials, Learning Methods, Assessments, Contact and Credit Hours, Certificates of Participation, Reading Lists/Learning Resources, Course Calendar, etc.
A cadre of CROSQ Secretariat and NSB professionals can be tapped into to develop the quality infrastructure courses under the andragogical expertise of the consultant and at the same time, these quality infrastructure technical experts are to be trained in adult education processes, digitizing course content, and the functionality and backend administration of online learning systems in order to ensure the effective online delivery and maintenance of the courses towards improving the cognitive skills of the targeted stakeholders from industry and the public sector, etc.
To increase the awareness, knowledge and exposure of stakeholders to a range of quality infrastructure supportive principles and practices via an online teaching and learning modality, for enhanced quality-competitiveness and safety of goods and services produced or used in CARICOM.
The objective of this consultancy is to guide the development of four new demand-driven and andragogical-based quality infrastructure courses that are CARICOM relevant and facilitate the sustainable hosting of same on Caribbean Export Development Agency’s (CEDA’s) e-learning platform.
In order to carry out this consultancy, it will be necessary for the consultant to display a good and communicable understanding of andragogy and quality infrastructure as per this scope of works.
4.1 Specific Activities
Specifically, the consultant will be required to:
4.1.1 Host an Inception Meeting
An initial meeting (medium to be decided by the parties involved) is to be held with representatives of the CROSQ Secretariat one week after the start of the assignment. This CROSQ team will clarify the responsibilities of the consultant and the level of support which will be provided in the execution of the exercise. A workplan and schedule of the deliverables is to be inlcuded in an Inception Report and submitted within two weeks thereafter by the consultant for approval.
4.1.2 Host Two Train-the-Trainer Courses in Adult Learning Techniques
Host one 15-hour face-to-face training at CROSQ Secretariat’s office in Barbados or alternatively, virtual training for staff (with due COVID-19 Protocols being observed) on good andragogy principles and practices and e-learning systems (CROSQ will take care of all travel, per diem and accommodation expenses).
Host one online 15-hour training for select CARICOM NSB staff on good andragogy principles and practices and e-learning systems.
This training is to start within six weeks after the start of the assignment and a Train-the-Trainer Report submitted to the CROSQ Secretariat for approval on completion of each of the two training sessions.
- Develop and Host on CEDA’s e-learning Platform, Four Quality Infrastructure Training Courses
Lead four specially assigned CROSQ Secretariat Technical Officers, who may be assisted by a small team of regional subject area NSB experts, to andragogy develop four digitized courses on quality infrastructure and facilitate the efficient, effective and sustainable hosting of same on CEDA’s public e-learning platform.
This course development and online hosting work is to be completed 20 weeks after the start of the assignment and a Quality Infrastructure Course Develop and e-hosting Report is to be submitted to the CROSQ Secretariat for approval.
- Pilot Test the Four Quality Infrastructure Training Courses
Lead the pilot testing of each of the four courses with targeted stakeholder groups, in phases if necessary, and facilitate customer feedback followed by appropriate course development / hosting upgrades if and as necessary for optimum customer satisfaction.
The consultant will be expected to assist with marketing and course registration/participation of pilot stakeholders to an agreed pilot testing number.
This pilot testing is to be completed 24 weeks after the start of the assignment and a Pilot Testing Report (e.g., methodology used, limitations, feedback, upgrade actions, etc) is to be submitted to the CROSQ Secretariat for approval. This Report will also constitute the Project Close Out Report.
All activities are expected to be conducted in an online environment unless otherwise stated. Timelines are indicative and are expected to be confirmed/settled? by the time of the Inception Report. The Quality Infrastructure Course Development Report can be submitted via interim reports as marked by appropriate course development and or hosting milestones that the consultant will be expected to identify for agreement, in the Inception Report.
This consultancy generally requires the services of one key expert and is open to nationals of CARICOM Member States. The appointed consultant must meet the following minimum requirements:
Qualifications and Skills
- A postgraduate degree in trade policy, project management, natural sciences or related field
- Professional training in pedagogy or andragogy
- Professional training in the use of online learning systems
CARICOM-related Professional Experience with:
- The CARICOM system and its organs and bodies
- Quality Infrastructure principles, practices and systems
- CARICOM Quality Infrastructure Institutions
- Course development and delivery
- Train-the-trainer programme development and delivery
- Proficiency in the use of online learning platforms and related information technology tools.
- Good communication skills, both orally and in writing, interpersonal skills and the ability to work well with others in a collaborative environment
The consultant is required to deliver the following for approval, with times shown as benchmarked from the date of the start of the assignment:
- An Inception Report - two (2) weeks
- Two Train-the-Trainer Reports - six (6) weeks
- A Quality Infrastructure Course Development and e-hosting Report – twenty (20) weeks
- A Pilot Testing & Close Out Report – twenty-four (24) weeks
The consultancy is expected to be completed within six (6) months.
The proposal is required in English. The deadline for submission of Proposals is no later than 1:00 pm on December 17, 2021 and sent by email to Mr. Terry Hutchinson at terry.hutchinson@crosq.org and copied to Ms. Patrine Hinds at patrine.hinds@crosq.org. Any proposal received after this deadline will not be considered. CROSQ reserves the right to negotiate rates with the most technically eligible respondent.
Selection of consultant will be based on experience and competence. The quality of each proposal will be evaluated in accordance with the award criteria and the associated weighting as detailed below:
ING (%) |
1. Qualifications
· A postgraduate degree in trade policy, project management, natural sciences or related field · Professional training in pedagogy or andragogy · Professional training in the use of online learning systems |
2. CARICOM-related Professional Experience with:
· Proficiency in the use of online learning platforms and related information technology tools.
· Good communication skills, both orally and in writing, interpersonal skills and the ability to work well with others in a collaborative environment
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3. Quality of Technical Proposal
· Organisation and methodology - consultants understanding of assignment - adequacy/appropriateness of proposed methodology and strategy · Work Plan - Reasonableness of completion time estimates and work breakdown structure |
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All proposals will be reviewed and scored using the above-mentioned criteria. Proposals obtaining a minimum technical score of 75 will be short-listed for further consideration.
In preparing the Financial Proposal, consultants are expected to list all costs associated with the assignment including professional fees, direct costs and reimbursable costs. Consultants are required to express the price of their services in United States dollars. Fees are not subject to taxes.
The Financial Proposal should be submitted separately from the Technical Proposal. The Financial Proposal is weighted at 20% of the overall score.
For further information, please contact Mr. Terry Hutchinson at terry.hutchinson@crosq.org and copy to Mr. Deryck Omar at deryck.omar@crosq.org.
All information pertaining to this consultancy (documents etc.) belong to and remain the property of CROSQ as the sole owner of all content and material, and exclusive rights over its use developed under this TOR. Thus, must be availed to upon completion and/or request at any time.

Offer ended on December 17, 2021