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Regional Standards Development Priority Plan 2022-2027




Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 28-03-2024 5:24


The fundamental purpose of the RSDPP 2017 has not changed. One of CROSQ’s mandates under Article 67 of the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas (2001) is to increase the pace of development of regional standards for the sustainable production of goods and services in the CSME and the enhancement of social and economic development.

The revised RSDPP 22/27, like its predecessor RSDPP 2017, is part of the strategic approach to respond to this mandate, and it is based on five key elements as follows:

  • a framework of agreed goals, objectives and outcomes for development and harmonization of priority CRS [CARICOM Regional Standard] in various economic and non-economic development sectors of MS;
  • a regional consensus-based process by which priority CRS can be identified, assessed, prioritized and developed to serve the regional interest;
  • the continuation of the role of the CROSQ Secretariat to serve as the focal point for oversight, coordination and cooperation, technical guidance and mediation management in priority CRS development;
  • resource mobilization, optimal utilization and equitable distribution for priority CRS development; and
  • shared responsibilities for implementing, monitoring, evaluating and reporting on the progress and impact of priority CRS and providing guidance for future priority CRS development.