Trade and Quality Infrastructure Division
Office of the Premier
Government Headquarters
Contact Information
Tel: 1 (664) 491-3378/2066
Email: trade@gov.ms
Webpage: https://www.gov.ms/government/ministries/office-of-the-premier/trade-quality-infrastructure-division/
The Trade and Quality Infrastructure Division functions as the entity responsible for promoting, facilitating, and coordinating quality infrastructure across the island of Montserrat. The Division is currently engaged in the review and formulation of essential QI legislation, intended to add depth, and cement the relevant legal structures to holistically implement QI programmes and activities effectively.
Presently, work is carried out in legal metrology on an annual basis in according with the Weights and Measure Act with a keen intent on safeguarding the economic interest of businesses and consumers alike. As a result, the Division is the main custodian of national standards of mass and, functions as the primary contact for matters related metrology and QI in general.
Our vision is to increase the diversity and competitive climate of the business environment on Montserrat.
To support the growth and development of Montserrat’s business sector by mobilizing the necessary support infrastructure and programmes. We endeavour to provide training, fiscal and financial support, educational awareness and other business care services geared towards fostering wholesome economic development on Montserrat.