“FRG/PTB/CROSQ Regionally Harmonised Quality Infrastructure 4 Project
The Development of a Demand Oriented and Regionally Harmonised Quality Infrastructure (QI) in the Caribbean”
The Development of a Demand Oriented and Regionally Harmonised Quality Infrastructure (QI) in the Caribbean or the more commonly referred to RQI 4 Project is sponsored by The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and administered by the International Technical Co-operation Section of the German National Metrology Institute – Physikalisch- Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB). The RQI 4 Project is implemented by the CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards and Quality (CROSQ).
The Project aims to:
- Improve the range of services available in regional quality infrastructure institutions
- Enhance the ability of regional and national institutions to improve the range of services which they offer.
This will be done through the provision of basic or further training for officers from NSBs and other quality infrastructure organizations; and through the provision of short term experts to perform:
- Consultancies in metrology, testing, accreditation, standardization
- Awareness building/networking for users of quality infrastructure services
- Organizational consultancy, coordination of activities and operative planning
- Organisation and implementation of training, seminars, workshops based on identified needs of the NSB, NABs or NMI of CARIFORUM states
- Evaluation impact assessment
- Supply of material and equipment – predominantly to the NSBs of the CARIFORUM states based on identified needs (laboratory equipment, accessories, reference materials, artifacts/materials for inter-comparison, calibration of equipment, technical literature, information, information and promotion material including costs for shipping/transportation
One of the key components of the RQI 4 Project is to develop for at least two value chains, strategies for offering a range of QI services to the value chain utilizing the CALIDENA methodology. CALIDENA is a demand driven approach which assesses and diagnoses quality infrastructure issues at each level in a value chain, with the aim of increasing competitiveness in the chain. Value chains must satisfy set criterion such as real opportunities for export, experience and advances in chaining, diverse quality services, participation of SMEs in the chain, conscious need to improve the chain and motivation of stakeholders to dedicate time and resources. The process is conducted in three stages – a feasibility stage which assesses eligibility of the value chain to participate in the process; diagnostic stage which takes the form of a workshop and involves identifying and promoting concrete actions that would improve quality services in a value chain; and finally an implementation stage where the actions identified in the diagnostic stage are implemented.
CROSQ is currently in its second (2nd) phase of its CALIDENA programme. The first phase is currently in the implementation stage where the following value chains were diagnosed:
- Antigua and Barbuda – Jams and Jellies
- Dominica – Hot Pepper Sauce
- Grenada – Nutmeg
- Trinidad – Cocoa
Feasibility Studies are currently being implented on the following value chains
- Antigua and Barbuda – Honey/Wax
- Belize – Shrimp
- Dominican Republic – Honey
- St Lucia – Seamoss
- St Kitts – Breadfruit/Breadnut
- Trinidad – Cocoa
- Suriname – Yard Long Beans
It is envisaged that four (4) of the above value chains will advance to the diagnostic stage.
1 Million Euros
The Project was started in November 2012 and is scheduled to end in October 2015.
The RQI 4 Project is sponsored by The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The RQI 4 Project is administered by the International Technical Co-operation Section of the German National Metrology Institute – Physikalisch- Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB).


For more information on the RQ1 4 Project and the CALIDENA Methodology please contact Ms. Janice Hilaire, Project Coordinator at 1(246) 622-7684 and/or
- Project Manager – Mr. Carl Felix Wolff, PTB
- Project Coordinator – Ms. Janice Hilaire, CROSQ