by Mr. Deryck Omar, Chief Executive Officer
This being the year in which the CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards and Quality (CROSQ), marks the 20th anniversary of our organization, we would like to thank all our stakeholders for helping the CROSQ’s brand grow from just being a visual identification of our regional processes and services, to being a marketing instrument that lends credence to promote, and as more importantly launch, our continually evolving services.
The inaugural meeting of the Council of CROSQ.
Over the years, we’ve grown to the point where we can now confidently see the organisation in 2022, as catalysts for change, to help regional organisations improve their level of competitiveness, raise standards of customer service and simultaneously offer more protection to consumers, whilst being mindful of the need to protect the environment.
We have always viewed our brand as the centerpiece of our corporate strategy and sought to live its promise of performance, of working with partners and beneficiaries, to develop, promote and implement an internationally recognized regional quality infrastructure consisting of a robust and verifiable system of standards development, metrology architecture and quality assurance practices, all framed by incessant information and awareness campaigns centered on the value of quality – competitiveness and the advancement of a quality culture in the Caribbean.
In this respect too, CROSQ, has always sought to act as a collaborative network of the fifteen Bureaux of Standards of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) working together; united and regionally integrated, under the principle that the success of the development of the regional quality infrastructure, ultimately depends on the performance at the national level of CROSQ’s policies So, thank you all, as we work now toward achieving another 30 years – to watch our organisation celebrate its 50th value added anniversary.