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CROSQ to host 11th EDF EPA TBT Programme Closure Seminar

The CROSQ Secretariat excited to invite members of the public to the 11th European Development Fund, Economic Partnership Agreement, Technical Barriers to Trade Component Programme Closeout Seminar this Thursday. This seminar will feature insightful presentations from our programme partners— the Delegation of the European Union to Barbados, Eastern Caribbean States,...

NOTICE – Update on Draft Regional Standard for Labelling of Pre-packaged Foods Development

Following the December 15, 2023 communication on captioned subject, please be advised that CROSQ’s regional Technical Management Committee (TMC), the committee comprising the Heads of Standards (or their representatives) of the 15 National Bureau of Standards of CARICOM, met and deliberated on the voting results and the way forward on...

CROSQ Launches eLearning Courses

The CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards and Quality (CROSQ) has launched five e-learning courses, with a view to engaging more with academia to bring quality infrastructure education to youth and young professionals. CROSQ CEO, Mr. Deryck Omar Speaking at the online launch of the Quality for Organisational Effectiveness and Sustainability...