The CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards and Quality (CROSQ) was created as an Inter-Governmental Organisation by the signing of an agreement between the fifteen Member States of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). CROSQ was formally launched at its first General Assembly in St. Vincent in April 2002. The organisation's headquarters was established in Barbados in April 2003. The 15 National Bureau of Standards (NSBs) of CARICOM Member States are CROSQ’s principle shareholder group and beneficiary base of its services.
CROSQ is the regional centre for promoting efficiency and competitive production in goods and services, through the process of standardization and the verification of quality. CROSQ supports the CARICOM mandate in the expansion of intra-regional and extra-regional trade in goods and services as set out in Article 67 of the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas (2001) and is directly mandated to represent the interests of the region in international quality infrastructure work, to promote the harmonization of standard and metrology systems and the mutual recognition of conformity assessment schemes, and to increase the pace of development and implementation of quality competitiveness actions for the sustainable production of goods and services in the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME), and the enhancement of social and economic development.
CROSQ’s main objectives are to promote regional economic integration, support the grown and development of the CARICOM Single Market and Economy and the international competitiveness of goods and services produced in CARICOM through the development and harmonization of standards and metrology systems and the development and mutual recognition of accreditation and certification systems i.e., effectively establishing an internationally recognized CARICOM Regional Quality Infrastructure (RQI). CROSQ also recognizes that the field of Quality Promotions is a legitimate pillar of Regional Quality Infrastructure (RQI).
To further its work, CROSQ has a series of active MOUs/Membership with ARSO, CEN, GSO, ASTM, IEC, UL, COPANT, ISO, BIPM, IAAC, etc. and work with a number of international and regional agencies on current RQI projects e.g., OACP, UNIDO, UNCTAD, PTB, PIFS, ARSO, GIZ, EU, WB, PAHO, CDB, CEMA, UWI etc. For information on CROSQ’s work on RQI - Health and Wellness, Energy Efficiency, Renewables, Trade, Tourism, Disaster Resilience, Food and Agriculture, Environment etc. - please refer to www.crosq.org.
With this in mind, it is important that CROSQ, the collaborative system of 15 National Standards Bodies of CARICOM, craft a new three-year plan that sustainably supports the continued harmonization of Standards and the development and mutual recognition of conformity assessment schemes across the region; and promotes a culture of quality - competitiveness in the Community. To do this, CROSQ will require a consultant to guide this process.
The main objective of the Strategic Plan will be to design a strategy and scorecard framework that encapsulates the vision, mission, core values, themes, objectives and SMART actions that will drive the organization of the network of the 15 CARICOM National Standards Bodies for the next three (3) years.
More specifically, the objectives and activities with deliverables of the Consultancy are as follows:
- Conduct to finality the Environmental and Situational Scan of the Organization to confirm the Critical Factors for Success (December 2021).
- Develop to finality the Vision, Mission, Core Values and Strategic Themes that will guide the Organization’s strategic direction over the long term (January 2022).
- Formulate the three-year Scorecards that will operationalize the Themes over the next three years – such Scorecards to contain the SMART Objectives and Outcomes/Results that are to represent the working interpretation and benefits of the Themes over the next three-year period, and that also showcases the necessary measurable projectized Activities and Outputs required to accomplish same (February 2022).
- Examine the current Structure (and associated systems) of CROSQ to ensure that it is equipped to deliver on the strategies and operational requirements identified (March 2022).
- Obtain approval by the CROSQ Council of the Strategic Plan, Scorecards and Organization Structure in April 2022 (i.e., board of directors at its April 2022 meeting). In the process of the development of the plan, the Consultant will be expected to ensure consensus on all matters with the Directors of the 15 National Bureau of Standards, amongst others, and explore links and synergies that may be necessary to enhance the functioning and growth of CROSQ, including partnerships, possible mergers and acquisitions.
In the execution of the Consultant’s duties, the Consultant will be expected to:
- Provide technical expertise on strategic planning processes and organizational development and change by participation in discussions to conclusions with the CROSQ Council, CROSQ Secretariat, 15 National Standards Bodies of CARICOM, and related regional CARICOM Institutions, amongst other stakeholders.
- Facilitate these services through appropriate consensus building forums.
- Finalize with the CROSQ Council, its approval of the completed Strategic Plan, including the Scorecards and Organization Structure.
The consultant is required to deliver the following for approval:
- Environment and Situational Scan including identifying the Critical Factors for Success
- Vision, Mission, Core Values and Strategic Themes for the next three years
- SMART Strategic Scorecards that will operationalize each Theme
- Organization structure requirements for the new planning period
- Closing Report – inclusive of the Plan and CROSQ Council’s agreement of same
The consultancy is expected to be completed within six (6) months.
The Consultant should possess:
- A postgraduate degree in Business Administration, Project Management, Economics or a related field
- Caribbean related experience in Strategic Planning;
- Knowledge and experience of the CARICOM system and its organs and bodies
- Knowledge and experience with CARICOM National Standards Bodies
- Knowledge and experience with Quality Infrastructure principles, practices and processes
- Good Communication skills, both orally and in writing, interpersonal skills and the ability to work well with others in a collaborative environment
The Consultant will be hired under a contract and supervised by the Chief Executive Officer of the CROSQ Secretariat solely for the purpose of delivering on the Scope of Works, within the agreed time frame.
The CROSQ Secretariat shall provide necessary support to the Consultant in order to execute the assignment during the duration of the consultancy.
Prospective Consultants are invited to submit a combined technical and financial proposal as per the five stage Scope of Works.
The expected duration of the Consultancy is November 2021 to May 2022.
The deadline for submission of Proposals is no later than 1:00 pm on December 3, 2021 and sent by email to Mr. Terry Hutchinson at terry.hutchinson@crosq.org and copied to Ms. Patrine Hinds at patrine.hinds@crosq.org. Any proposal received after this deadline will not be considered. CROSQ reserves the right to negotiate rates with the most technically eligible respondent.
Selection of consultant will be based on qualifications, experience and competence. The quality of each proposal will be evaluated in accordance with the award criteria and the associated weighting as detailed below:
ING (%) |
1. Qualifications
· A post graduate degree in Business Administration, Project Management, Economics or a related field. |
2. Caribbean related Professional Experience
· Knowledge and experience of the CARICOM system and its organs and bodies · Knowledge and experience with CARICOM National Standards Bodies · Knowledge and experience with Quality Infrastructure principles, practices and processes
3. Quality of Technical Proposal
- consultants understanding of assignment - adequacy/appropriateness of proposed methodology and strategy
- Reasonableness of completion time estimates and work breakdown structure |
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All proposals will be reviewed and scored using the above-mentioned criteria. Proposals obtaining a minimum technical score of 75 will be short-listed for further consideration.
In preparing the Financial Proposal, consultants are expected to list all costs associated with the assignment including professional fees, direct costs and reimbursable costs. Consultants are required to express the price of their services in United States dollars. Fees are not subject to taxes.
The Financial Proposal should be submitted separately from the Technical Proposal. The Financial Proposal is weighted at 20% of the overall score.
For further information, please contact Mr. Terry Hutchinson at terry.hutchinson@crosq.org and copied to Mr. Deryck Omar at deryck.omar@crosq.org.
All information pertaining to this consultancy (documents etc.) belong to and remain the property of CROSQ as the sole owner of all content and material, and exclusive rights over its use developed under this TOR. Thus, must be availed to upon completion and/or request at any time.
PROJECT: 11th European Development Fund - Economic Partnership Agreement Programme - Technical Barriers to Trade Component
FUNDING ENTITY: European Union (EU)
EXECUTING AGENCY: CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards and Quality (CROSQ)
FUNDING ARRANGEMENT: European Development Fund (EDF) Grant
ASSIGNMENT: Consultancy Services to Facilitate Development of CROSQ’s Strategic Plan 2022 to 2025
No. | Question Posed | Answer Provided |
1 | I would like to have an idea of the budget for the strategic planning project.
We will not be sharing the budget so as to encourage a competitive value for money process.
2 | What are the expected requirements for work i.e. in-person sessions vs virtual? For in-person, at what location(s), with whom, and for which phases?
The consultancy with be conducted via virtual modality.
3 | To what extent will other states be involved during the data-gathering phase/stakeholder forums? Who would be involved e.g. Secretariat staff of country represents/ministerial bodies? | The Consultant will decide on this approach with guidance from the CROSQ Secretariat; however, the data-gathering phase/stakeholder forums will definitely include the Directors/Executive Directors of the 15 National Standards Bureaux in CARICOM.
4 | Will there be a core support team from Secretariat? If so, what would be the composition, and in what capacity? | CEO CROSQ Secretariat and the Consultant in joint collaboration with the Consultant in the lead process role and the CEO as Quality Infrastructure expert resource.
Download Q&A only here: Strat Plan Procurement Q&A

Offer ended on December 3, 2021