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Bureau Staff Recognised for Commitment to Development

The commitment of staff members at three bureaux was brought into the spotlight recently, as the “Strengthening of the Regional Quality Infrastructure in Barbados, Dominica and St Kitts and Nevis” Project drew to a close. Metrology staff at the Barbados National Standards Institution (BNSI), the Dominica Bureau of Standards (DBOS),...

Dominica’s Lab Confident in Testing Results

Dominica is feeling a new burst of confidence following the accreditation of its microbiology laboratory late last year, as well as the expansion of its Inspection Unit to further assist exporters. Late last year, the Dominica Bureau of Standard’s testing laboratory, located at its National Centre of Testing Excellence (NCTE)...

Dominica’s Exports Boosted by Metrology Lab Upgrades

The Commonwealth of Dominica has gained a significant boost to its capacity to meet quality standards for export, thanks to improvements made to the main National Metrology Laboratories, housed at the Dominica Bureau of Standards (DBOS). To commemorate the achievement, the two (2) laboratories were commissioned at a special ceremony...

Pandemic Not Stopping Quality Progress in the Region

CROSQ is determined that despite the ravages of the COVID-19 pandemic, that quality services and systems will be improved in the Caribbean before the end of the 11th European Development Fund Economic Partnership Agreement Programme. The Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) component of that programme is being implemented in the...